An everyday desk job can prove satisfying, yet similarly punishing when you cannot quite find and maintain the right posture. The same applies to students who have to get help from in writing their homework after sitting in class the whole day just to save some time for exerices. So how can you keep your spine straight? Ensuring that the vertebrae stacked atop the pelvis and the abs squeezed with shoulders rolled down and backward away from the ears proves right.
The whole process can prove tough even for the fittest individual, especially, when mot used to from early on in life. You have to hold the muscles in place and mentally stay strong for eight or more hours every day, something that proves difficult. It can become very easy to slouch back after ten to fifteen minutes, let alone hours. So how can you achieve this? What dangers lie with an absence of the right posture?
Studies show that prolonged periods of sitting can reduce the brain’s blood flow and eventually reduce your mental efficiency. Further, doctors find that you subject yourself to higher risks of suffering obesity, high blood pressure, and sugar. But you cannot prevent such situations most of the time, so how can you best maintain your health than ensure the right posture all the time?
Excellent Desk Exercises to Keep Healthy
You can always develop a desk exercise routine to ensure the posture remains rights, and you keep every part of the body in top shape. But doing so requires you to consider the following.
- Diaphragm breathing. The exercise proves perfect in easing tension in the muscles and relaxing the nervous system. All you have to do entails having slow breaths while holding your ribcage to feel the movement of the diaphragm while breathing. It aims at noticing the tension points and trying to ease these.
- Segmented Cat-cow. The exercise proves useful in increasing the lower and upper back mobility. The process entails exercising the spine by a slow synchronized movement of the lower back in a forth and back movement. You should repeat it at least three times.
- Figure four stretching. The exercise proves perfect for the glutes, lower back, and hip mobility. You can do it by making slow stretches where you cross your ankle across from your thigh while seated tall and inhaling. Slowly move your belly-button towards the seat while keeping your spine long before switching legs and repeating.
- Thoracic rotations while seated. It proves perfect in ensuring better breathing and easing neck pains. It involves sitting upright and interlocking your hand at chest level. You then have to inhale and slowly exhale while rotating to your upper body towards the left, holding it for a second and doing it the same way but in the opposite direction. You can repeat the process two or three times for a better result.
- Heart opener while seated. It proves useful in ensuring upper back, shoulder, and chest mobility. The exercise involves grabbing your chair’s back bottom and lifting your chest towards the ceiling. You then have to breathe into your belly and chest up to five breaths.
- Standing doorframe stretch. The exercise should help with the mobility of your lower back besides band tightness. You can accomplish this exercise by moving to the office doorway and crossing your legs before reaching out with one of your arms to grab the doorframe as you pop the crossed leg hip out. You then have to hold the position for about twenty seconds before repeating using the other leg.
- Fidgeting. The exercise proves perfect for the mobility of the whole body. It involves shifting your weight sideways in making you more aware after sitting for long intervals. Switch your favored side and do ankle circles, neck circles, wrist circles, besides wiggling your toes.
A lot of desk exercises exist besides the one mentioned in the article. However, by following some of these offices or desk exercises, you will reduce slouching and ensure the correct posture either while sitting or standing.